Individual Container Fit out

Pcube stands for innovative design. The invention of the shipping container. Changing the function. The art of construction. Professional workmanship. Creative modification and alteration. Attention to detail, proposals for solutions for functional conversions. Reasonable storage facilities. Design follows function. The finished product: workshop container, storage container, café, beach bar, store and shop, lounge or bach- always amenable to adventure. The basis is grand expertise and passion, profound knowledge and vision, team work- against the background of boat building, metal construction, timber construction, interior design and a professional sailing career. A perfect foil to create the container YOU want, for your own personal use… simply CUSTOM CONTAINER SOLUTIONS…


Legal notice

Information under § 5 of the TMG [German Telemedia Act]:

Marc Pickel
Projektplanung Containerausbau
Steinkamp 2b
24229 Dänischenhagen


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The contents and work produced on these pages by the page operator are subject to German copyright. Duplication, processing, distribution and every kind of utilisation beyond the limits of the copyright require written approval of the respective author or producer. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. If the contents on these pages were not produced by the operator, the copyright of third parties was respected. In particular, contents of third parties are identified as such. If you nevertheless notice a copyright infringement, please communicate this to us. Upon legal infringements becoming known, we shall remove such contents immediately.

Source: eRecht24

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